Customer Stories

How Coveo improved lead to account matching accuracy by 74%

74%improvement in match rate


High Tech


Quebec City, Quebec


  • Improved lead-to-account matching by 74% compared to Salesforce’s native matching capabilities.
  • Saved “hundreds of hours” in both lead-to-account matching and manually merging duplicate data.
  • Gave the Marketing Operations team more ownership and autonomy, rather than relying on Salesforce Administrators.


Coveo is an AI-powered search platform that provides search solutions for businesses in the website, e-commerce, support and service spaces. Their clientele includes enterprise and mid-size companies.

The Challenge

Coveo’s goal was to segment accounts based on interests to improve the effectiveness of their marketing and sales prospecting efforts, however, this required leads and their activities to be captured at the account level.

The Marketing Operations team did not have a scalable solution in place for lead-to-account matching in Salesforce. Instead, they relied on team members to dedicate several hours a day to manually sort through leads and matching them to accounts. However, due to the volume, this resulted in wasted effort, duplicate lead records, and incomplete account records.


A Dramatic Increase in Data Quality

Complete Leads empowered Coveo to take control of data management within Salesforce. First, by using the matching engine they improved their matching rate by 74% compared to Salesforce’s native functionality. Second, by utilizing auto-merge the team was able to proactively prevent duplicates from entering Salesforce in real-time.

Hours of Time and Manual Effort Saved

By automating data management processes in Salesforce, the team was able to save hundreds of hours of manual effort. This also enabled the team to quickly build segments for marketing and prospecting efforts without requiring manual audits.

“It’s saved us, first and foremost, a lot of hours, which translates into dollars.”

-George Samaras, Senior Manager of Marketing Operations at Coveo

Faster Speed-to-Lead

Before Complete Leads, many incoming leads weren’t being matched to accounts which meant sales reps were being forced to manually research, update, and merge leads records – instead of prospecting and closing deals. By having access to enriched and connected account data, sales reps can respond quickly and have more meaningful conversations the moment a lead comes in.

Flexibility and Control Over Routing Rules

Complete Leads gave Coveo’s Marketing Operations team ownership and autonomy over lead and contact routing rules. Instead of relying on their busy Salesforce Admins, technical changes could be made quickly in the drag-and-drop interface.

“We loved the idea of how slick and easy the use of the UI looked. It was really a low code, no code solution that emphasized drag-and-drop, which made the tool adaptable for people who don’t have a developer’s background.”

The Final Word

Complete Leads gave Coveo the ability to segment accounts and make changes to routing and merging rules in a more scalable way. Now the Marketing Operations team can spend less time manually cleaning up data in Salesforce and more on strategic initiatives to support the Sales and Marketing team.

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