Customer Stories

How Copado achieved 4x faster speed-to-lead with Traction Complete

160%Pipeline increase post-event





Chicago, Illinois


  • Eliminated hours of manual lead-to-account matching and routing per week
  • Improved post-event speed-to-lead, which led to a 160% pipeline increase
  • Inbound lead follow-up went from six hours to under 90 minutes


Copado is the leading native DevOps platform for Salesforce and the market leader for low-code and AI-driven test automation for enterprise clouds. The company powers digital transformation for enterprises like Coca-Cola, Ebay, Medtronic, and Volkswagon.

The Challenge

Rapid growth made lead management unmanageable
Before working with Traction Complete, Copado was dealing with challenges around lead management. The company had gone through impressive growth but had gotten to a point where the amount of leads they were dealing with was unmanageable.

Wasted time on manual work
60% of Copado’s lead-to-account matching and routing was being done manually. The operations team and BDR managers would spend two to three hours per week ensuring that records were assigned to the right BDRs and AEs.

It was taking a lot of manual effort and high-value time away from what we should be focusing on, which was strategic initiatives.

-Max Messina, Team Lead, Go-To-Market Operations

Pipeline was impacted by slow follow-up
The amount of time that was spent manually importing and assigning leads also hurt Copado’s pipeline. For large industry events like Dreamforce, it would take several days post-event before records could get uploaded and assigned for follow-up.


Giving the operations team control & agility
Traction Complete gave time, control, and freedom back to the business operations team.

With the no-code, drag-and-drop UI, Traction Complete empowered the business operations team to make changes themselves, whenever they needed.

The team was able to build automated lead-to-account matching and account-based routing flows. They also set up routing triggers based on campaign member status changes. This meant when prospects took actions that showed high intent, BDRs and AEs would be notified and prompted to take immediate action.

Having more control over their routing rules was also a game changer when Copado needed to make changes such as redesigning territories at the start of the year or creating new go-to-market motions.

“We needed to be agile on a monthly and weekly basis in updating routing rules. What Traction Complete did was allow us to make changes on the fly, and give control and freedom back to the business team that was dealing with these changes.

Reaping the benefits of a faster speed-to-lead
Armed with a sophisticated matching and routing tool, as well as the ability to change assignment rules on the fly, it wasn’t long before Copado saw the benefits of Traction Complete.

When it came to large industry events, Copado was able to import leads and follow up with them overnight, as opposed to taking several days. Thanks to that increase in speed-to-lead, they saw a post-event pipeline increase of 160%. On top of that, their SLAs for inbound leads dropped from three to six hours to 90 minutes.

“If we look at just the pipeline that Traction Complete has influenced and the cost of our operators that were doing the manual work before Traction came in, we could confidently say that we’re seeing about an 11x return on investment.”

A positive customer success experience
Best of all, Copado knew that they could trust Traction Complete’s best-in-class customer success team to help them get the most out of Complete Leads.

“My experience working with Traction Complete has been nothing but fantastic. They’re always bringing the right expertise, they’re willing to jump on a call and troubleshoot. We have a great relationship. They are one of my favourite customer success teams I’ve ever worked with.”

The Final Word

Traction Complete helped Copado eliminate the need for manual matching and routing. Not only did they gain more pipeline and a faster speed-to-lead, but managers and the operations team could focus their time on more important strategic initiatives.

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