Deal Review Checklist: Multithreading Methods for Sales Leaders

We all know that multithreading is one of the most vital tactics in closing more deals and closing them faster – especially now that the buying committees larger than 15 are the norm. In fact, LinkedIn research states that multithreading lifts win rates by 34%, yet two out of 10 sales professionals are connected to more than one person.

Sales leaders must know modern multithreading strategies AND how to operationalize those strategies in order to win today.

Unlock the webinar to learn: 

  • How to guide your reps to multithread in a positive way (without upsetting their point of contact)
  • Potential barriers preventing an effective multithread
  • Strategies for getting more of the buying committee engaged in conversation
  • How to navigate the complexities of company org structure + tracking level of support and influence

Watch the webinar


Your sales leaders

Samantha McKenna Founder, #samsales Consulting
David Nelson CEO, Traction Complete