How to Keep Your Data Clean
Here are the best data practices from Brooke Treseder (SVP Revenue Operations, Volt) and Sean Crowley (VP Product Marketing at Right Networks).

Video Transcript
Brooke: For me, I am still always surprised at how many people don’t do this. But every Salesforce org I’ve ever been in, day two, I probably am turning on state and country picklists.
Because it to me is the difference between having a clean data set where you’ve normalized all of your country values and you can use that data for formulas and, you know, create a formula for territories or regions or whatever else you want to do.
And there are still vendors that integrate to Salesforce that don’t work well with state and country picklists. But you know, for me, it’s table stakes. You have to be able to work with a standardized set of data and we have state country pick lists on our lead forms and everything comes in and matches and cleans and, you know, it’s informed all the way through the rest of our data funnel.
And I mean for me, that’s like my base underlying thing. You know, whenever a new Salesforce admin says “Oh, can you help me?”
My first question is: “Have you turned on state country pick lists?”
Because you need to do that ASAP. Because the longer you wait, the diriter the data gets and then you have to go clean it up later.
Sean: It’s the foundation of master data, we work with companies and they call it the sacred seven.
It’s these seven fields that you have to have consistency around an account record. State country fields, just like that, and that helps establish the core foundation of data quality upon which you can build visibility, insight, and opportunity identification.
Want to learn more?
Ready to learn more about the data practices used by industry experts Brooke Treseder and Sean Crowley?
You can listen to their in-depth interview on Episode 2 of the Revenue Optimists series. We’ll see you there.