AI + Salesforce World Tour: Real-talk on AI

We asked industry leaders from Certinia, Vonage, Slalom, PagerDuty, Copado, and Louisa.AI about how they’re using AI and what trust + AI means to them.

Now, we’re bringing their insights to you straight from the Salesforce World Tour in NYC.

Get to know the Revenue Leaders

Gregory Smith, Head of Global Product and Solution Marketing, Certinia

Lauren Odlen, RVP Strategic Alliances – North America, Vonage

Andrés Catalán, Senior Delivery Principal, Financial Services – Salesforce, Slalom

Kat Gaines, Senior Developer Advocate, PagerDuty

David Dahlberg, Chief Marketing Officer, Copado

Stan Sadovski, Client Solutions, Louisa.AI

Real talk on AI + Trust

“Trust + AI” falls flat without trusted data.

You know the saying: “Garbage in, garbage out”
Get your data foundations right, deduplicate, know your systems and sources and what’s under the hood before you run any AI project.

AI needs governing before it can govern you 
Governance, process and people infrastructure, human intervention, test test test!

Ride the “trough of disillusionment” 
Do you think AI is overrated? Either way, AI is coming. Now is the time to do your due diligence to be ready for AI as the hype cycle progresses beyond just hype.

Get your data right today, so you can be ready for AI tomorrow.

Download the free checklist

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